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Who We Are

Founded in 1969 as a division of a family-owned business and operating as an independent company since 2002, Cooling Point has been a market leader for over four decades, thanks to its tradition and extensive experience in all areas of operation.

Our brand's equipment, produced by us, can be found in Macedonia, Albania, Kosovo, Slovakia, Switzerland, and other countries across Europe and around the world. Our long-term experience and tradition in commercial refrigeration are the guarantees behind our work.

Our team of experts is dedicated to helping you find the perfect refrigeration solution to meet your unique needs. Contact us today to learn more.


Our Mission

At Cooling Point, our mission is to provide our clients with the highest quality refrigeration products and services. We strive to exceed our clients' expectations in every aspect of our business.

We believe that innovation is the key to success. That's why we are constantly pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the world of refrigeration technology.

Core Values


At Cooling Point, we believe that innovation is the key to success. We are dedicated to staying at the forefront of refrigeration technology to provide our clients with the best possible products and services.


We believe in being transparent with our clients. That's why we always provide clear and honest communication throughout every step of the process.


We are dedicated to making our products and services accessible to everyone. That's why we offer a wide range of refrigeration solutions to meet the needs of clients of all sizes.

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